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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Service, Trying New Things, and Tradition

All that know and love Ed Gates see by his example that he is a hard worker and often serves others through his hard work. Chuck often will share memories with our kids of watching Ed selflessly serve.
One memory that Chuck has shared with me was that Ed (and Kriss) would often be the last to leave after a ward activity to be sure to help clean up. Even when they were not a part of the group leading the activity. At Halloween, a small group of few executed an amazing Trunk or Treat Chili and Chocolate Cook Off. Unfortunately, when the event was over those same few who worked so hard setting up and carrying out the event where doing almost all the clean up.

Eddie and Ernie at the Trunk or Treat event
I was planning to go visit a friend after the party who was in town for just the weekend, so Chuck had taken all the kids home after the party. I decided that instead of immediately leaving to go visit that friend and I thought of the memories that Chuck has of Ed serving others after a ward event and decided to stay to help clean. I went to work in the church kitchen all on my own and just started washing all the trays, bowls, and serving spoons that seemed to just be piled in the sink at the end of the event. I emptied trash cans, wiped down counters, and swept floors.
I have been the one in charge of many of those events and I always appreciated those extra helpers at the end of a long event. Thank you Ed for being a great example of serving others.
At the grocery store before Thanksgiving

 At Thanksgiving this year, Ed was in charge of cooking the turkey and gravy for the family Thanksgiving dinner.  The helpful produce guy at the grocery store convinced Ed that he should brine the turkey, but Ed had never prepared a turkey that way. He decided to try something new - brine turkey and cook it differently than he had done before.
Growing up, using a brine was the only way I had seen a turkey prepped and I have fond memories of learning to cook from my dad. I love that I was able to spend the day with Ed side by side preparing and cooking the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. I was able to serve Ed directly (I hope) by helping him with this new technique. It ended up being a beautiful turkey, one that warranted a "ceremoniously carry to the table on a platter for everyone to Oh and Ah over" turkey like you see in movies according to Lani and Charise. Which Ed did proudly.
Gorgeous Turkey!

Also, when I reminded Ed we needed to make the gravy for the turkey, Ed was wanting to watch some football. He had already worked so hard, so I was happy to serve Ed directly by making the gravy for him.
My day of wanting to serve Ed by helping him in the kitchen, turned in to a wonderful gift to myself as we were able to spend a little one on one time that I cannot really remember every doing with Ed. It was a wonderful memory that I will treasure. Now I have memories of cooking side by side in the kitchen with both my fathers.

Next Holiday, Christmas! After working for several years in retail through the holiday season, I pretty much despise going shopping at any time of year, but especially in the month of December.
This year Chuck shared a memory of Ed that I had not heard before - Ed loves going to the mall on Christmas Eve, but not for why you think. Chuck told the kids and I that Papa as a young kid coming from a family with not a lot of money, they would often have friends of their family pick them up and take them shopping on Christmas Eve so that the kids could pick out and buy gifts to give each other on Christmas.
Chuck has memories of going with his Dad and sisters to the mall or swap meet to buy gifts for one another to carry on that tradition or even not to necessarily buy anything at all, but to just feed off the hullabaloo excitement of people watching on Christmas Eve.

Entering the crazy for tradition and memory's sake.
As a service to Ed, I want my children to carry on fun traditions of their Papa. So on Christmas Eve, after Chuck told the kids about the memory he had of shopping for his siblings, we decided to toke the five kids to Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve for them to pick out gifts for one another.

Quite possibly one of my least favorite places to go and on one of the busiest days of the year. It was crazy in full force. Just to give you an idea - there were no carts in the front of the store to grab on your way in at one point. (We luckily snagged one in the parking lot on the way in).

Ernie showing his siblings something he would love. 
After our first 20 mins, I went back to the car and had a good cry because I had a not so great interaction at the customer service desk about a return I was trying to make. I pulled myself together and went back in to find the kids in the toy aisle. They had walked around with each other talking about things they loved and were excited about choosing gifts for one another.

It turned into a great afternoon in honor of a wonderful memory of Papa.

Ed - thank you for your example of hard work, serving others, trying new things, and establishing / carrying on traditions. I am eternally grateful to be your one and only favorite daughter in law.
With Love,

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