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Sunday, December 27, 2020

To the Partridge's and their new Pear Tree

 We were on our trip when we were given our service assignments this year. So it provided us with hours... and hours... and hours of time to contemplate what we could do. What could we do for the sweet Partridge's and their new pear tree?

Since many of those hours were also spent watching Jack Jack's every move we could, full of oooohs and awes.... there was one idea that stood out the most... babysitting for a family with young kids. 

The other thing I wanted to do I haven't given up hope on quite yet. The park that Tyler organized our awesome PickleBall Tournament at really needs something like this that I saw at another park, but I didn't want to just buy one due to price and didn't feel like the kids would be involved. But I'm still thinking... and would love to donate it to the park in honor or Tyler. 

Back to the babysitting: We reached out to 3 different families with young families. We asked if there was anytime in the next month before Christmas that we could watch their kids, whether for a date night or shopping day, we would be ready to take their kids. 

None of them responded... NONE. So I sent another message to each of them. NOTHING. Finally on the 3rd message 2 said they kept waiting for Covid to get better because they really wanted to take advantage but were still a little worried about it. They were the 2 families with the newest babies.

The last family said I don't know what we will do but I feel like we could use a sitter tomorrow. We were excited to have someone take our offer. 

The night before they were supposed to come, the mom called and asked, "Were you serious about babysitting ANYtime?" I answered "of course!" She said "can I bring them over at 8 am? We just got invited to a live temple session tomorrow and normally I wouldn't have a babysitter but since you had offered, I hoped you would say yes so I was already prepared to say yes!"

For those who don't know, we consider the temples on earth to be sacred and special. A please to step away from the world and feel a piece of heaven. The temples are mostly closed due to Covid except for rare occasions. 

The babysittin WAS INSPIRED!

The kids were such great helpers and all wanted to help, especially with the youngest. Who was quite a crier! 😳

She cried for at least half of the time. But I realized being a baby during Covid, you REALLY aren't used to other people. You don't even have nursery on Sundays. Or meeting other people in the hallways. And you definitely haven't had many, if any, babysitters. 

The only thing that would calm her was Baby Shark... so we listened to it at least 40 times. 

We finally got her warmed up to us. 

The parents were VERY grateful!

Darcy and Tyler, we love you both so much. Tyler, you are an absolutely perfect addition to the family. We are so grateful Heavenly Father sent you to our family. Baby Jack too! He seems perfect and we can't wait to meet him. 

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