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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Wait for it.....

It didn't take me long to know what focus I wanted to take with Dixie and Noah.  Aunt Dixie has always been the fun Aunt.  She works so hard, since as long as I can remember, to get our family to play and have fun together.  This goes back long before there was ever a Clear Creek Family Ranch.  One of my earliest memories is Dixie taking a bunch of us cousins to see The Rescuers, I was only 4!  When I was young and people would ask my favorite movie, I would answer, The Rescuers, probably because I had such a fond memory of going with my cousins and cool Aunt Dixie.  Another memory I have from later on, is Dixie kidnapping the older cousins, which I was one at the time, and taking us to breakfast.  That was around the time that Dixie had a business idea of a place where families could get together and eat, and then end up in a food fight (she had an idea to put a garbage disposal at the bottom of the floor for all the food from the food fight).  She was always thinking of fun things to do with our family.

As Dixie grew and had a family of her own, the fun didn't stop.  To this day, with Noah, she still does Cousin Shindig, every year, gathering all the teenage cousins...a favorite for Bodell Family Teens.

Deciding on what to do in Dixie's honor came very easily, executing it is another story.  I knew what needed to be done, we needed a 2020 Virtual Bodell Family Party.  Wayne, Dixie (my daughter) Dillon and Denim have helped with getting things ready.  

While the party is still to take place on Monday, December 28th, the hours that I have so far spent have been wonderful.  I have loved getting to know so many of my cousins that I haven't seen or some I haven't even met.

Aunt Dixie and Noah, I'm so glad I'm a Bodell kid...with you!

After the party, I will upload our 3 family songs.  They have been what has taken the biggest part of time, so far.  I have loved getting to know my "angel helper," Jessica Bodell, whom I have might have never met, but love so much!  I have loved getting to know more of my family better through the correspondence about the party.  

Here is an outtake that was not used to give you an idea of the fun in store:

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much. I cried and laughed at the same time. So excited for the Party tomorrow. Family and Fun and creating memories is one of my favorite things in the whole word to do.
